Sunday, March 15, 2015

UPDATE 3/15/2015

I took this blog offline after contacting the buyer of my property in 2012 with this email:

"Neither one of us would be in the positions we are in, had it not been for the unlawful deceptions and misrepresentations of Indymac/Onewest. 

Rather than fighting each other, would we be wise to consider working together against the bank?

In addition to everything you already know, I was in active negotiation with the bank for modification when they auctioned my property. The day before and the morning of the auction, the bank told me it was their mistake and the sale would not go ahead.

Surely that, combined with the active court case at the time of auction, would be enough ammunition for you to have recourse with the bank and title insurance.

You would get your money back, likely with damages, and I could move back into my home.

Their actions have put us both through a horrible and costly experience. Our fighting amongst ourselves is a convenience to them, and detracts from their responsibility in the whole mess.

Just a thought."

She had been unable to sell the property because of my efforts. As time went on, I wondered if my advisers were mistaken in thinking she was working with the bank, so I wrote to her to find out. 

She was not working with the bank. After learning what happened, she was very kind and helpful. She told me that she had called the trust, asking for details on the legitimacy of the sale and was stonewalled and hung up on. Despite being told the owner was a deadbeat, she had her suspicions to the contrary. 

Though she had put money into the property, she agreed that if the bank simply gave her the money she paid for the property, she would waive the funds she spent. She also waived the funds the Prescott court awarded her for the unlawful detainer award. It turned out she was a nice person and I liked her a lot. The things I had found in my PI work all had explanations. We both felt terrible for everything. How's that for a twist in the tail??

So with her blessing in the form of a notarized letter, we wrote the following letter to to One West's CEO and President, Joseph Otting:-

Dear Mr. Otting,

RE: Property xxxx xxxxxxx DR.,AZ.

I am writing on behalf of myself with the approval and consent of Kimberly xxxx, the purchaser of my property when it was sold at auction in error, as admitted by IndyMac/OneWest to myself and my consultant, Jacqueline Graham, in our conference call with them on the morning of the sale.
Unfortunately, nothing has yet been done to rectify the situation.

I am coming to you without attorneys with the hope that there is a way to settle outstanding issues cooperatively and quickly. Both Ms. Mudd and I are motivated by the desire to put this behind us and get on with our lives. I am flexible, open to creative solutions and your productive suggestions. I am not seeking to profit from the abuse I have suffered and hope this will be a consideration for prompt resolution.

I appreciate you have full access to details of my case on file, so I will just summarize some key points. It has been my experience that things can get lost in the OneWest system, so I have enclosed some documentation for convenience, to facilitate bringing you up to speed as quickly as possible. I have kept careful records and can supply further documentation and witnesses, if necessary, but hopefully what I have included will suffice.

Enclosed please find documents titled “Submission to the O.C.C.”. This is the complaint I filed with the O.C.C. in July 2012, which is still under investigation. Within 2 weeks, the case was assigned to OneWest Escalation Specialist, Calvin Burnett, but I have not heard anything since, so I imagine it is still under investigation. However, I was assigned an “Escalation Specialist” during my first modification and this same department insisted that I go onto “serious default” in order to qualify. Further, this division makes no secret that it is a debt collector, all of which makes me very uncomfortable and untrusting that it will conduct a proper or forthright investigation.

As you will read, I was told, both verbally and in writing (enclosed), that I would not qualify for a modification until I went into “serious default”. After being told this, and paying the mortgage for another two months while I tried to find a way to qualify without going into default, I was sent another letter from the bank reiterating this (enclosed), so I went into default, as directed and required. What followed was months of hair-raising threats from a collections department, along with five dates set and canceled at the last minute to auction my home.

I was told that none of the bank's departments were authorized or willing to communicate or work with another. This led to my situation worsening by the week, with me being powerless to do anything about it but hopelessly pass information between them – on which they did not and would not act. As follows are a couple of key examples of many:-

- Leading up to the sale in July 2011; after weeks of communication attempts with OneWest to no avail (I have documentation and records on this, if necessary), a week before the auction, a bank representative called to advise me that my modification was still active. I informed him of the auction and asked him to advise the appropriate department to stop the sale. He said he had no influence over that and gave me a special “direct” number to call. He said to tell them of our conversation and they would be able to stop the sale, but it turned out to be the collections department, who said they had no influence over it either, but tried to coerce me into paying five figures immediately – which would have not only disqualified my modification, but they could not guarantee it would stop the sale.

- My consultant and I were on the phone together to OneWest representatives the day before and the actual morning of the auction on July 20, 2011. We were told there had been a mistake and the foreclosure department was being contacted as a matter of urgency to stop the sale.

- When OneWest continued to act so strangely on my second modification process (see “Emails with John Olinski”), I began to conduct research in an effort to understand why this could be. I hoped to find insight to help me help the bank make things smoother, however it eventually led to my conducting audits and investigations on the loan itself. As a result of all this, following OneWest harassing me with repeated requests for the same information peppered with threats from collections; refusing to answer any questions or produce the wet ink Note (saying they didn't have to on both accounts); I was forced to try and get answers through the legal system if I was going to save my home. At the time of the sale, OneWest and the trustee, MTC Financial Corps, had for six weeks been actively involved in an ongoing court case over the question of legal ownership and title. Not only was this seemingly disregarded, and/or not communicated to the foreclosure department, but Ms. xxxx was not informed of it when she paid money for the property at auction.

Rather than send you the bulky audit files, I have enclosed the bullet-pointed summary of findings from April 2011 and March 2012 (“Affidavit of Truth of Carlos Perez”, “Affidavit of Truth of La Mar Gunn” respectively) along with bullet-points from the Foreclosure Investigation.

I appreciate that you can substantiate these things in house, but it could take time. The reason I am enclosing these summaries is to hopefully help facilitate a swift compromise by providing information that has already been ascertained on the loan, on issues that have since been argued and validated as improper procedure in government cases, tribunals etc. with banks.

Both Ms. xxxx and I have each run our own businesses for 20+ years, are highly respected in our respective industries, and understand compromise. This is why I felt it would be wise to communicate that we are open to settling without greed or legal posturing that is so tiresome, and I feel no longer necessary for any of us.

For the past year and a half, Ms. xxxx and I have been battling with and suing each other. As you can see in the enclosed summarized story (“Submission to O.C.C.”), we have done things to each other that we both feel terribly about, now that we understand each other's real position – positions that we would never be in if it were not for the nefarious and deceptive actions of OneWest.

My advisers believed that the buyers, xx, LLC., of which Ms. xxxx is a principle member, were working in conjunction with the bank. This was deduced due to the timing of so many of xx's legally aggressive strategies coinciding with the bank's, combined with OneWest's consistently illogical and truculent actions.

Whether it was due to a lack of organization or devised strategy, it seemed there was no end to the lengths the bank was prepared to go to traumatize me and take my property. Based on past actions, it was reasonable to consider that xx LLC had been recruited (or created) in order to divert attention and responsibility away from the bank, as well as exhaust my efforts by having to contend with two powerful and forceful entities on my own.

Meanwhile, Ms. xxxx's advisers, who are experienced foreclosure attorneys, believed I was deadbeat homeowner who either shouldn't have bought property in the first place, or opted to stop paying the mortgage because the property was so upside down. In their experience, this was often the case, so it was reasonable for them to draw this conclusion.

Ms. xxxx and I recently spoke. We found that we had both been egregiously mislead by OneWest and shared not only an interest in settling the matter, but that our needs were compatible for a fair and reasonable agreement with the bank. We agreed that we would both rather recover restitutional costs vs. fighting for damages, if it meant the matter could be settled quickly. We found that things moved quickly between us without attorneys, and this is why we are reaching out to you directly, rather than going through our attorneys – or OneWest's departments. Though the landscape of the situation is complex, there is a simple and straightforward solution, but I strongly feel it will require your authorization and facilitation. To this end, there are a couple more things I feel are important to add.

As you can imagine, Ms. xxxx and I have both suffered financially and emotionally from this experience that was due to no fault of either of us. Due to the countless hours required and overwhelming emotional trauma that I have experienced, I have not only lost my home, but I have lost clients, business and income as well as it affecting my health. Ms. xxxx has also lost income and is paying interest to her partners on the loan for the property. If she sells the property, she has to disclose the situation and is not comfortable with doing this from an ethical perspective. She does not wish to subject another party to this precarious and unresolved situation, nor is she comfortable about how the property came to auction, now that she knows.

Each of the many legal, financial and real estate professionals who have reviewed this case (including Ms. xxxx's attorneys) have stated that mine is the “worse case” of mortgage and foreclosure abuse that any of them have “ever seen” - most stated they “cannot understand how it has been allowed to get this far”. Further, this case was brought up by a trainee in an O.C.C. certified bank auditing class. I was told the instructor was “incensed” by it and strongly recommended I file a complaint with the O.C.C., which is how I came to file the complaint with them. I tell you this in the hope of cutting to the chase, and saving the cost of more run-arounds. Despite the gravity of what has been, we hope you are amenable to looking forward, in the form of a reasonable agreement. A couple of ideas are as follows:

- My costs now exceed $185K and counting, which includes but is not limited to legal fees/costs, consultancy, accounting and audit fees, storage, lost income, moving and travel costs. I propose the free and clear return of my property or equivalent – and perhaps recovery of a reasonable percentage of some of my costs.

- That the foreclosure was in error makes no difference to my now damaged credit score. This, combined with my losses, means I will not in a position to qualify for a reasonable mortgage for years. As such, if the return of my property or equivalent is not feasible, I would be open to a fund equivalent for the Original Mortgage Note ($468,000.00) and down payment/closing costs ($126,710.00) along with recovery of $225,000.00 towards costs and damages (plus the taxes accordingly as these are real costs). This would enable me to purchase a replacement home and get back on my feet.

- Enclosed please find a copy of a notarized letter from Ms. xxxx, confirming that, in the event you will return my property to me, she would be agreeable to simply having her costs recovered. She is agreeable to this because she feels what has happened is so wrong, that she wants to make it as easy as possible for you to rectify it.

I trust we can agree that this situation is a sad and unfortunate mistake that can be remedied. As I mentioned earlier, we are flexible and open to creative solutions. We just want to recover our losses that we worked so hard to attain. I very much hope you will accept my plea in the spirit of fair compromise that it is extended, and see your way to intervene and make things right.
Many thanks in advance for your time and consideration Mr. Otting. I look forward to hearing from you.
Respectfully yours,


**PS - please note that my loan has had 2 numbers - my guess is that one was assigned before securitization and a different one assigned after.

cc. - Philip A. Gerbick, Assistant Deputy, Comptroller of the Currency (via email and mail)

I felt it was important to let him know that the bank was TRIPLE TRACKING (foreclosed during modification AND a court case) because I thought it would be a simpler way to agree that things had been handled unlawfully. I was wrong...

His response was to send the foreclosure mill attorneys after me for money for OneWest's legal fees. 

I had taken the blog down as a consideration for the people who paid money for the unlawful sale (complete with the bank's forged documents) of my property. However, this is still being allowed to go on, so I am making it public again in case this information can help anyone. I have placed "xxxx" where her surname was.

Also, though I doubt the Federal Reserve will do anything, Helen Kelly's testimony to their board on 2/26/15 inspired me to take the time to update it for the record. Here is her impassioned testimony if anyone would like to hear it:

One thing I have noticed - the banks tend to go after nice properties with equity in them

It turns out this happened to a lot of people in Arizona. I bottom lined my story to 4 or 5 sentences to a CPA the other day. His response was "Arizona?". Yep. He'd lost 2 properties and a few of his clients the same way. We are told we might all get $300 in restitution, but no one gets their homes back. 

And because the banks paid $70-80m in fees to the state government for their fraud, no one can sue them. 

As a final note, when I signed the forged deed over, I changed the conditions and codes on it to say that, though I was signing it over to the new owner, it was made without prejudice to any claims or rights Grantor may have against parties other than Grantee. ie. the bank is not off the hook in future by my signing it over. 

My thinking was, down the road somewhere, justice might prevail and I wanted to retain my rights for compensation. 

If you are a journalist, please ask for my written permission before using any content of this blog. 

PS - my attorney, Donald O. Loeb, turned out to be terrible. He never supplied itemized bills and called me monthly, literally screaming and threatening to quit the case if I did not pay him thousands of dollars. I was finally able to get an approximation of hours from him, which was about $7k less than he had been paid.  Rather than work the hours, he deserted the case. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


Despite all the painstakingly detailed counts of fraud, violations of bureau regulations, and blatant foreclosure abuse, Arizona Federal judge David Campbell dismissed the case. So I appealed on May 31, 2012.

In the meantime, the bank filed a motion with the court to have the Lis Pendens removed from the title search, so potential buyers and title insurance companies might not know of the dispute over title, unless they are foreclosure professionals - even then, they might not know to check because it would not be immediately apparent that there was a foreclosure!

I find it interesting that the bank have filed this motion and not Kimberly xxxx/xx, LLC (the seller and Defendant), don't you? Why do they care at this stage? Is this a further indication that they are working in cahoots with the xxxxs? Or does the bank want as many buyers between itself and the unlawful foreclosure in order to muddy the waters and thus their involvement? Either way, it pays off for them as another diversionary tactic to try and drain me of funds and energy to fight them.

Meanwhile, I reported Kimberly xxxx and Brad B to the Arizona real estate licensing and ethics boards along with AZ Attorney General, Tom Horne, with regards to their failure to disclose the dispute over title to unsuspecting potential buyers and conspiracy. My guess is that they will tow the same line as all the other government agencies and representatives and do nothing, and patronizingly thank me for letting them know. But you never know - and at least they will be on record.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I haven't posted for a while due to my busy work schedule and disheartenment following my latest efforts. Suffice it to say, my letter to the Senators and AZ General Attorney Tom Horne resulted in them writing and telling me that they would keep it on file. Great. Thanks for doing absolutely nothing about this horrendous travesty of justice... allowing these criminals to try and drain me of funds and energy before they can be brought to justice and continue to pillage and victimize countless others with the blessing of our system. But it is still going through the channels of government agencies for investigation, so not all is totally hopeless. 

Meanwhile, Kim xxxx put the property on the market on 5/6/12 with no disclosures about the title being under dispute. So I posted this on the property's Zillow page on 5/7:-

"***BUYER BEWARE*** xxxxx xxxxxx Dr. WAS UNLAWFULLY FORECLOSED ON AND FRAUDULENTLY SOLD AT AUCTION. IT WAS LISTED FOR SALE ON 5/6/2012 (MLS # xxxxx), WITH A DISPUTE OVER TITLE, WHICH IS UNDER INVESTIGATION BY MULTIPLE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. The sellers, husband and wife team Timothy and Kimberly xxxx, are known for unscrupulous real estate dealings across the country. Among other things, Timothy xxxx is currently incarcerated in Tuscon for his part in foreclosure scams in Illinois and Nevada. He has been ordered to cease and desist any financial dealings in Arizona by the AZ Dept. of Financial Institutions, who are also investigating their other partner, Chris Eymann. As such, Kimberly xxxx currently fronts their operations.

     Purchase of this property could result in your losing all funds that you paid, along with the property."

     The agent, xxxx xxxx of the xxxxxxxxx Group in Prescott Valley, pulled it and replaced with his "beautiful home for sale" blurb. So Kim xxxx,  is hiding behind local Brad xxxxxx (maybe so she doesn't lose her real estate license), and they both know they would be selling the property to someone who could easily have to return the property to its rightful owner, me - and lose all of the money they invested. They will not be able to sue Kim xxxx, because her company, xx LLC sold the property, not her personally. xx will have no assets by then.  Brad may also be a victim, if he has bought this woman's lies. Kimberly xxxx is clearly a brilliant con-artist and sociopath.

I    As such, I changed the title of this blog to reflect the address with the warning, so it has the best potential to show up in search engines. Hopefully, if someone is thinking of buying the property, they will do their due diligence, find this information and save themselves a world of financial and emotional heartache.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Letter to Ben Hallman / Huffington Post

Check out his article too - it's most interesting...

Dear Ben,

I read your "Foreclosure Starts On The Rise" story with great interest. I feel the reason that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac banks are such prominent leaders in foreclosure is that they are being allowed to.

I am in a brutal battle with a Fannie Freddie institution over the fraudulent foreclosure of my home in Arizona. My case is so outrageous that it has attracted the attention of the O.C.C. and C.F.P.B., who are currently preparing a report to submit to the Attorney General.

Every attorney who has seen this case has been shocked that it has gone so far and said they have never seen anything like it.

To me, it reflects the extent of this certain sector of the banking industry's corruption, and their influence over our government. I am hoping that my case is so egregious that it will be a vehicle for change and give a reason for the good people who work within our government to stand up for the People, when this influence goes too far.

On this note, please find below my letter to the Chairman and members of the Arizona Senate Banking & Insurance Committee, which was sent yesterday, March 20, 2012.

I hope you will take an interest in bringing attention to this case; to not only help me, but encourage our representatives to rein in the carte blanche that some unscrupulous banks currently utilize to pillage whomever they wish without accountability or consequence.

I have started a blog to document my experiences as well as offer mutual support for others who have been victimized ( . I have taken the liberty of attaching the summarized story to date referred to in my letter, but if you are uncomfortable about opening attachments, you can find it here:

Many warm thanks for your time and consideration Ben and I very much hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letter to Senator McComish

Here is the letter I sent to Senator John McComish, who is the Chairman of the AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee along with his distinguished committee members.
The Honorable John McComish
AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Room 307, Senate Office Building
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Dear Senator McComish,
I am writing to bring to your attention my personally devastating case of foreclosure abuse in Prescott. With over 18 counts of fraud and violations of bureau regulations, my situation is so egregious that it attracted the attention of the C.F.P.B. and O.C.C., which I've been told are preparing a report to submit to the Attorney General.
I have enclosed a summarized report of the events to hopefully provide you an understanding of the severity of the situation I have experienced to date.
I am a single, self-employed resident of Arizona. My attorney, Donald Loeb, and I are fighting two sets of very powerful and well-funded legal firms on our own. The bank knows that the recession has left me financially vulnerable and the banks have employed a series of diversionary legal tactics to wear me down, so that I will go away. Further, my home that the banks improperly took from me was sold to individuals with a documented history of taking advantage of distressed homeowners. One of them has been incarcerated for mortgage and foreclosure violations, and the other is under investigation by the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions. Thus, the chance of my receiving legal fees and damages from them in the end is slight, even if I prevail. Yet, alongside OneWest Bank, they are being allowed to continue victimizing me at my great expense. Surely, this cannot be our great judicial system's intent or purpose?
As you will discover in the attached, the bank has admitted to selling my home in error. Their lawyers have since prevented me from contacting anyone at the bank about crafting a reasonable solution to help their customer and client, me. Because I cannot talk to the bank's executives directly about the illegalities I have experienced, I am seeking support through my public representatives.
You will note that I am writing from California. After I was unlawfully evicted, I have been forced to stay with family here while I continue to fight for what was stolen from me in Arizona. I have run my own professional management business for 25 years, am well-known and respected in my industry, so luckily, I am able to work from here for the time being.
Many kind thanks in advance for your valuable time and consideration Senator McComish.
Respectfully yours,
Donald O. Loeb, attorney
Sen. Michele Reagan, Vice-Chairman, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. Linda Gray, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. David Schapira, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. Robert Mesa, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. Steve Smith, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. John McCain
Sen. Jon Kyl
Congressman Paul Gosar Tom Horne,  Arizona Attorney General Congressman Spencer Backus, Chairman, House Finacial Services Senator Tim Johnson, Chairman,  Senate Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs
Robert G. Anderson, Producer “60 Minutes”
David Ruetenik, Producer “60 Minutes”
Catherine Reagor, Arizona Republic
Melissa Blasius, NBC News
Veronica Sanchez, NBC News
Nick Timiraos, Wall Street Journal
Dan Fitzpatrick, Wall Street Journal
Ruth Simon, Wall Street Journal
Huffington Post
John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou, KFI Radio
Neil Garfield, LivingLies
Mike Savage, Savage Nation
Martin Mandelman, Mandelman Matters

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

It turns out that I WILL have to pay xx/Kim xxx $9.2K unless I appeal, so I am forced to appeal or pay. Either way, I pay to dare to defend my property.

So, with the CFPB and OCC taking interest in my case, I am going to write to other government officials and the media. Our officials are there to uphold justice and help the People, right? I may be naive thinking it could help put a stop to this madness, but I will regret it if I don't do it.

I will post the letter and people I've copied here later.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 2012

Relief-ish.... I just spoke with my attorney, the inimitable Donald Loeb... I misunderstood the Order.... it was just a copy from the eviction case, not a response to our appeal. As unjust as it is that Judge Darrow will get away with refusing to even respond to our evidence and did not have the jurisdiction to rule on the bond without a bond hearing, we have to pick our battles because of financial and energy reserves. We'll stay focused on the Federal case.