Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Letter to Ben Hallman / Huffington Post

Check out his article too - it's most interesting...

Dear Ben,

I read your "Foreclosure Starts On The Rise" story with great interest. I feel the reason that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac banks are such prominent leaders in foreclosure is that they are being allowed to.

I am in a brutal battle with a Fannie Freddie institution over the fraudulent foreclosure of my home in Arizona. My case is so outrageous that it has attracted the attention of the O.C.C. and C.F.P.B., who are currently preparing a report to submit to the Attorney General.

Every attorney who has seen this case has been shocked that it has gone so far and said they have never seen anything like it.

To me, it reflects the extent of this certain sector of the banking industry's corruption, and their influence over our government. I am hoping that my case is so egregious that it will be a vehicle for change and give a reason for the good people who work within our government to stand up for the People, when this influence goes too far.

On this note, please find below my letter to the Chairman and members of the Arizona Senate Banking & Insurance Committee, which was sent yesterday, March 20, 2012.

I hope you will take an interest in bringing attention to this case; to not only help me, but encourage our representatives to rein in the carte blanche that some unscrupulous banks currently utilize to pillage whomever they wish without accountability or consequence.

I have started a blog to document my experiences as well as offer mutual support for others who have been victimized ( . I have taken the liberty of attaching the summarized story to date referred to in my letter, but if you are uncomfortable about opening attachments, you can find it here:

Many warm thanks for your time and consideration Ben and I very much hope to hear from you!

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