Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012

A huge part of the problem is that the Arizona system is so influenced by certain unscrupulous banks. A judge recently told an attorney in chambers that he was resigning because he said he was being told how to rule in foreclosure cases regardless of evidence, and couldn't take it anymore. He had pulled the attorney into chambers to tell him his arguments on behalf of the homeowner were correct, but the judge couldn't rule for him, so to give it up.

In my case, Judge Warren Darrow based his handing my property over on Kimberly xxxx because she held a document that said she was the new owner, given to her by a trustee company who had no legal standing with the property. This document was drawn up from a forgery, so in itself is a forged. So, despite all of our evidence to show the dubiousness of the documentation, he gave her the property anyway. Maybe he just didn't want the hassle... or understand the evidence... or want repercussions from the powers that be.

He ordered that I pay a $10K bond, plus an inflated rent rate of $1,500 per month, which again, was based solely on the word of the xxxxs. Basically, he is saying they are the victims and should be rewarded for having to deal with my being such a pain for having a problem with my property being stolen.

My attorney said Judge Darrow did not have the jurisdiction to make that call, so appealed.

Today we received an Order Regarding Supersedeas Bond and Rent Pending Appeal. If I am reading it correctly, I still have to pay this outrageous bond if I wish to appeal. And if they win the appeal, they keep the funds. I don't know if it's true, but it sure feels like the courts are working with the criminals to financially break homeowners so they can no longer fight back.

If I lose the appeal, which is likely because these rulings so far have nothing to do with evidence or justice, and win the Federal case, one of the xxxxs is in jail for Fraud, Swindling and not paying restitution, so chances are high that I will never get the money back from them.

People like Chris xxxx, Kimberly and Timothy xxxx feed off the corruption and are doing very well from it at the moment. Hopefully, all of the rulings in other states will encourage Arizona to step up for justice.

I don't what we're going to do with this latest development. Stay tuned.

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