Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letter to Senator McComish

Here is the letter I sent to Senator John McComish, who is the Chairman of the AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee along with his distinguished committee members.
The Honorable John McComish
AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Room 307, Senate Office Building
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Dear Senator McComish,
I am writing to bring to your attention my personally devastating case of foreclosure abuse in Prescott. With over 18 counts of fraud and violations of bureau regulations, my situation is so egregious that it attracted the attention of the C.F.P.B. and O.C.C., which I've been told are preparing a report to submit to the Attorney General.
I have enclosed a summarized report of the events to hopefully provide you an understanding of the severity of the situation I have experienced to date.
I am a single, self-employed resident of Arizona. My attorney, Donald Loeb, and I are fighting two sets of very powerful and well-funded legal firms on our own. The bank knows that the recession has left me financially vulnerable and the banks have employed a series of diversionary legal tactics to wear me down, so that I will go away. Further, my home that the banks improperly took from me was sold to individuals with a documented history of taking advantage of distressed homeowners. One of them has been incarcerated for mortgage and foreclosure violations, and the other is under investigation by the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions. Thus, the chance of my receiving legal fees and damages from them in the end is slight, even if I prevail. Yet, alongside OneWest Bank, they are being allowed to continue victimizing me at my great expense. Surely, this cannot be our great judicial system's intent or purpose?
As you will discover in the attached, the bank has admitted to selling my home in error. Their lawyers have since prevented me from contacting anyone at the bank about crafting a reasonable solution to help their customer and client, me. Because I cannot talk to the bank's executives directly about the illegalities I have experienced, I am seeking support through my public representatives.
You will note that I am writing from California. After I was unlawfully evicted, I have been forced to stay with family here while I continue to fight for what was stolen from me in Arizona. I have run my own professional management business for 25 years, am well-known and respected in my industry, so luckily, I am able to work from here for the time being.
Many kind thanks in advance for your valuable time and consideration Senator McComish.
Respectfully yours,
Donald O. Loeb, attorney
Sen. Michele Reagan, Vice-Chairman, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. Linda Gray, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. David Schapira, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. Robert Mesa, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. Steve Smith, Member, AZ Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
Sen. John McCain
Sen. Jon Kyl
Congressman Paul Gosar Tom Horne,  Arizona Attorney General Congressman Spencer Backus, Chairman, House Finacial Services Senator Tim Johnson, Chairman,  Senate Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs
Robert G. Anderson, Producer “60 Minutes”
David Ruetenik, Producer “60 Minutes”
Catherine Reagor, Arizona Republic
Melissa Blasius, NBC News
Veronica Sanchez, NBC News
Nick Timiraos, Wall Street Journal
Dan Fitzpatrick, Wall Street Journal
Ruth Simon, Wall Street Journal
Huffington Post
John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou, KFI Radio
Neil Garfield, LivingLies
Mike Savage, Savage Nation
Martin Mandelman, Mandelman Matters

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